Composer & Lyricist


Lost and Found - My Commercial !


In 1969 my cousin Evelyn Waldman, who managed to succeed in Mad Men-era Madison Avenue advertising, landed me my one and only commercial, for a French suntan lotion called Ambre Solaire. I channeled my best cross between Edith Piaf and Jaques Brel, who was very au courante at the time., since his show had opened at the Village Gate the year before and was still running.

I wrote one tune with two different lyrics, one about sun, beach, and romance, and the other connecting to French cultural icons - and cheese. They surprised me by recording both. I found all the original material including drafts of my lyrics, tapes of my studio-recorded demo, and the final versions with a professional singer, an orchestra and a voice-over announcer! Very silly, but fun. Enjoy!

Ambre Solaire Lyrics and Tape.png
joshua dachs